
The Council of Dover College

The College is privileged to have a board of Governors consisting of dedicated professionals who have a passion for the College. They give their time freely to support the leadership team with strategy and to ensure that the College properly adheres to its policies, procedures and legislation.

The Council of Dover College has a number of sub-committees which report to the Council on the College’s work. These are as follows:

EducationAdam Walliker
Finance and General PurposesNathan Harris
Compliance and RiskJames Ryeland
NominationsBishop Trevor Willmott


Chair of Governors

The Chair of Governors is Dr Claire Scholfield-Myers.

Claire lives in nearby Kingsdown with her husband and two daughters. She grew up locally in Walmer and attended Dover Grammar School for Girls before reading Biochemistry at the University of Cardiff. She subsequently completed a PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of Cardiff.

Claire joined as a Governor and Council Member in 2017. She is a former parent (her daughter finished Sixth Form in 2022) and a molecular cell biologist by training. She is also currently the Vice-Chair at Kingsdown and Ringwould CEP School where she is the SEN Governor and Governor for Standards and Achievement and Leadership and Management.

Claire is the Company Secretary for an Information Technology company.

To contact the Chair of Governors, please email or write to The Chair of Governors, c/o Dover College, Effingham Crescent, Dover, CT17 9RH.

Members of Council

Adam Walliker is Chairman of the Education Committee. Adam was a pupil at St Edward’s, Oxford and went on to read Philosophy at Cambridge University. He holds an MBA in Educational Management and is engaged in postgraduate research in the Faculty of Education at the University of Winchester. Adam recently completed three years’ service on the national Finance Committee of the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS), was an Official Subject Reviewer for the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB), and has been a governor at several independent schools. He joined Dover College as a Governor and Council Member in 2017. Adam is the Headmaster of St. Edmund’s in Hindhead.

Michael Goodridge MBE is a member of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. He was Chairman of Governors until April 2023. Michael is a retired solicitor and has been a governor of various schools and colleges, such as Godalming College, St Hilary’s School, Godalming and Green Oak School where he has served as Chairman. Michael has served on the Borough Council for periods totalling 20 years since 1987, representing parts of Godalming as well as Wonersh and Blackheath and was Borough Mayor in 2001/2002. He also served on Godalming Town Council from 1973 – 2007 (and was Town Mayor 1987/88). His interests in local government include planning and the environment.

Karen Rogers RIBA, RSA is a member of the Nominations Committee and the Finance and General Purposes Committee. She has served as a Governor since 2008 and a Council member since 2014. She is an Old Dovorian and a qualified Architect who has 30 years’ experience on large mixed use schemes. Karen works at Ekkist, a company that specialise in the design and creation of buildings that focus on enhancing human health and well-being.

Nathan Harris is Vice-Chairman of Council and Chairman of the Finance & General Purposes Committee and the Audit Committee. He is also a trustee of the Scholarship & Prize Fund and has served as a Governor since 2013. Nathan is an Old Dovorian and is a Chartered Financial Planner who lives locally to the College. He is a Trustee of the Dover College Trust.

James Ryeland is Chairman of the Compliance & Risk Committee and a Trustee for the Scholarship & Prize Fund. James has been a Governor since 1997 and Council member since 1998. He is the Governor with responsibility for the Common Room and an Old Dovorian. James is an Honorary Consul of Denmark, Finland, France, The Netherlands and Sweden at Dover and a Joint Managing Director of George Hammond PLC. He is also a trustee of the Dover College Trust.

Dr. Claire Scholfield-Myers is the Chair of the Council. Claire joined as a Governor and Council Member in 2017. Claire is a former parent (her daughter finished Sixth Form in 2022) and a molecular cell biologist by training. She is also currently the Vice-Chair at Kingsdown and Ringwould CEP School where she is the SEN Governor and Governor for Standards and Achievement and Leadership and Management. Claire is the Company Secretary for an Information Technology company.

Paul Tapsell is a member of the Education Committee and Safeguarding Governor. Paul has been a Governor since 2010 and a Council member since 2015. Paul is the Governor responsible for Safeguarding and for the Prep School including EYFS. His two children attended the College.

The Right Rev’d Trevor Willmott, is the Praeceptor, (formerly the Visitor). Bishop Trevor is also the Chairman of the Nominations Committee. He has been a Governor since 2010 when he was appointed to the Council. He resigned as a Governor in 2015 when he was appointed the College Visitor, latterly Praeceptor, in which role he serves on the Council as a non-Governor member.

Doug Taylor is a member of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. Doug has been a Governor and Council member since 2022. He has a stepson who has progressed through to the Senior School. Doug lives near Folkestone where he manages the family farm.

Our Policies
