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Dover College, Effingham Crescent, Dover, Kent, United Kingdom, CT17 9RH
Every year we are delighted by the success of Dover College pupils in their A Level or BTEC qualifications and 2024 was no exception. Despite being a truly comprehensive school in terms of the range of academic ability within our pupil body, we consistently see results comfortably above the national average.
Over a quarter (27%) of results were at the highest grades of A* and A, despite a return to the pre-COVID grade boundaries. Nearly three quarters of results (72%) were graded at A*-C.
On the back of their results our pupils found themselves into their institutions of choice, with three quarters into their first choice and 20% into their reserve place. Top performers were Sebastian (1 x A*, 3 x A and 1 x B) who takes up a place to read History at Durham, and Allen (2 x A* and 2 x A) who will read Arts and Sciences at UCL.
Our results for 2024 compare favourably to the national picture, with 82.1% of results at 4-9 compared to 67.6% nationally. 7.9% of results were at the highest grades of 8 or 9 (formerly A*).
We are particularly proud of our Value Added of +0.36 on average per pupil, per subject. This means that, as a result of the learning and teaching during the GCSE courses, our pupils achieved over a third of a grade more than external testing at the start of the GCSE programme suggested they might.
Whilst we are proud of the academic successes of our pupils, we believe that an education is about providing more than academic results alone. We care deeply about educating the whole person, developing in each a unique set of talents and unique set of goals to fulfil.
A more detailed breakdown of results is available on request.
Dover College, Effingham Crescent, Dover, Kent, United Kingdom, CT17 9RH