Excellent Value-Added

Every year we are delighted by the success of Dover College pupils in their GCSE, A Level or BTEC qualifications.

Our results are on an upward trend, as evidenced in the charts below which compare our Summer 2023 results with those from Summer 2019 (the last time that pupils sat public examinations using the grade boundaries pre-COVID). 

Our value-added is excellent and we attribute this to the determination of our pupils, the dedication of our staff and the unique ethos and environment that Dover College offers. Our value added in 2023 at GCSE was +0.34.

Whilst we are proud of the academic successes of our pupils, we believe that an education is about providing more than academic results alone. We care deeply about educating the whole person, developing in each a unique set of talents and unique set of goals to fulfil.

A more detailed breakdown is available on request.

Duke of Edinbugh

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